S.N.ActivitiesAreas of CoverageOutputs
1Survey to Identify social status and problem of rural communityFive VDCs of Mugu: Pina, Rara, Rowa, Shreenagar and Karkibada Data collection of socio component regarding population, sex, family, economy situation.To study the situation of education, health, income, agriculture, water and sanitation. 
2Training on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of youthShreenagar-5, MuguSRHR issue was taken seriously and starts to communicate about their problem openly.40 peoples participated on the training and aware on SRHR issues.
3Women Strengthening program Rowa and Pina  VDCFor finding the most exiting problem of women and basic need of their life. Program for women empowerment and group formed.
4Evaluation governmental office performance according to Civil CharterShreenagar-5, MuguEvaluation of government service provide to people within district and working people aware about government service.Altogether monitoring on45 offices of local VDCs, DDC, DEO, DAO and other governmental offices and were committed to keep Civil Charter and 13 offices kept immediately. 
5Assertive Device Distribution5 VDCs: Pina, Rara, Rowa, Shreenagar and KarkibadaAssertive device distribution for the disable people in coordination with Community Worker Society.
6Training on Human Rights and Constitutional Assembly District level youth MuguAware them about their inevitable rights and give the knowledge on Constitutional Assembly system of Nepal.Together 34 people participated and were aware about Human Rights and Election process.
7Training on Local awareness programPina VDC MuguAfter the program people were aware about Good Governance, Civic responsibility and capacity building activities.
8Culture programRara VisitWith slogan “Conservation of Rara lake and celebrate New Year”. Overall 12 peoples visited lake to promote and prevent Rara lake.
9Intellectual ProgramPina VDCFund rising, developing good communication and cooperation between organization and villagers.To preserve and promote own culture of “Deusi and Bhailo”.
10Orientation program on Youth participationJumla  DistrictIncrease awareness and shared their experience and problems.Interaction between local community people, youth and stakeholders on peace process.
11Wall Painting to promote Youth  Involvement (Wall painting for Peace)Jumla DistrictThe effective slogan to promote youth involvement in peace process.Wall painting for peace.In 5 places slogans related to peace were written to aware through painting.
12VDC  level Sports (Volleyball Competition)Pina VDC, MuguYouth participation increases the through the different activities which become a bridge to work together in the community.Altogether 7 teams were participated.
13Agriculture Awareness Program (Seed distribution and tips on scientific agriculture system)Pina, Rara and ShreenagarFor finding agriculture problem in Mugu.In total seeds was distributed to 20 houses.Tips and skill on new scientific agriculture system.
14International Youth Day celebrationShrreenagar, MuguSensitization for youth through Rally and solidarity on International Youth Day.
15National Youth Assembly (NYA) as a Member organizing committeeKathmanduGroup discussion, workshops and presentation on youth and burning Issues. Declaration paper was handed to government to address youth problem in National Policy.
16World AIDS Day (Altogether 8 organization jointly organized)Shreenagar, MuguSolidarity rally to aware mass and Interaction program was conducted and discussion on HIV and AIDS.
17AYON ForumKathmanduInteraction program on Sexual Reproductive, Health and Rights and Uterus prolapsed.More than 45 youths were aware and trained on SRHR Issues.
18Nepal Youth Social Forum (NYSF)Nepalgunj & DhagadhiOrganized workshop on “New Nepal, New Karnali”.More than 15 thousand youths were gathered and discussion various youth issues and commitment paper was made at the end of the forum.
19New Year Program (Visiting Every year)Rara VDCOverall 16 peoples visited to promote and prevent Rara Lake.Other people were also aware on promotion and for tourism development.
20Constitutional Assembly Election Monitoring Gamghadi3 Members of CDS-PARK were involved on monitoring for one month and report was submitted.
21Youth KachahariShreenagar, MuguDiscussion on various Issues on contemporary issues of Karnali and to make aware about them.
22National Youth Volunteer conferenceKathmanduConference to discuss on Volunteer Issue.Volunteer declaration paper was released.
23Single Women Group formationPina VDC, MuguForming group to aware about their rights and equality.
24Deuda (Culture singing and dancing competition for Peace)MuguMutual harmony and understanding between local communities on Peace.
25Campaign on adidas “old shoe exchange month”Kathmandu & MuguAltogether 1500 shoe pairs was collected in one month and was distributed to Mugali people.
26School Bags DistributionPina -9Altogether 175 Bag distributed to school kids.
27Workshop on Voice of Karnali Youths in Policy and Constitutional Assembly.KathmanduKarnali Youth chapter was added in National Youth Policy draft.Network between Youth of Karnali Zone.Declaration paper was handed to constitutional assembly member and released from themTo discuss on Karnali Issues and to address in Youth Policy and new Constitution.
28Cloth Distribution (Collected cloths was distributed to local villagers who have low economic status )Pina-219 sets of cloths were distributed 9 Male and 10 Female for low status people.
29Ice ClimbingMurma TopToo see beautiful view of Rara Lake and Himalayan range.All together 20 participated.
30Gamgadhi Chhayanath TrekMuguScenic Beauty and adventurous trail, religious site.All together 30 people were participated for this program.
31Rara to Mugu Village TrekRara & Mugu VDCVisit Beautiful Trial, Historic Mugu Village, Gumbas and Monasteries.
32Local Peace IntitiativePina, Shreenagar, Karkiwada, Rowa, Rara VDCsGetting Knowledge of Human RightsRise our Rights for local Participation
33Youth Partnership ProgrammeMugu VDCAwareness of HIV and AIDS Issue.Sensitized for their community and other places.
34SHRH Orientation for Disable peopleChhayanath Rara Municipality, Khatyad Rural MunicipalitySensitized people with disability on SRHR right
35Media SensitiztionSurkhet and Chhayanath Rara MunicipalitySensitization to media over issues like SRHR, Marriage Equality, Child marriage
36Provincial Advocacy on Health policySurkhetProvincial health policy: includes disable friendly services along Reproductive health services
37Youth Deuda Running sheildChhayanath Rara MunicipalityPublic Gathering for awareness on various issues
38SRHR ChampionsChhayanath Rara MunicipalityYouth successfully operating as SRHR champions on youth friendly health services

(Note: Kachahari is about discussion in a village where local people discuss on various social topics as well as in contemporary events.)