Terms of Reference

For Development & Maintenance of Mugu District Hospital, Dhungedhara Health Post of Mugu District


Birendranagar Municipal Hospital and Basic Health Care Centre Dharapani, Birendranagar, Surkhet

Center for Karnali Rural Promote and Society Development, Mugu

Gamgadhi, Mugu

Information for Tender Submission

Request for Terms of Reference:

First Date of EOI Publish: October 10, 2023.

Deadline for Submission of Offer: October 30, 2023.

  1. Organizational Background:

CDS PARK Mugu is a non-governmental, non-religious, non-profitable autonomous social organization of Karnali zone. CDS Park Mugu has worked with 10+ funding partners and benefited around 5000 community people directly. The organization’s main mission is to work for good governance, sustainable peace, development and good health and wellbeing to bring positive social change particularly among the under privileged community by awareness raising, capacity strengthening and, providing opportunities for 17 years now in the rural Karnali region of Nepal.

CDS-PARK prioritizes the essence of participation of marginalized groups and population for sustainable and holistic development of community. The organization mainly focuses on the issues of human rights, democracy and youth participation, youth and disabilities, marriage equality, and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) including Maternal, Child health and neo-natal health. Currently, CDS Park is working on issues of child marriage, marriage equality, CSE, and sexual, reproductive, maternal, child, and adolescent’s health of persons with disabilities.

It is registered in Social Welfare Council and has been member of different networking organizations, having central office at Gamgadhi, Mugu with contact number 087-460009 and email address info@cdsparknepal.org.

  • Objective of the Construction:

CDS PARK is working with people living with disabilities under the project named “Comprehensive Disability Health Program (CDHP)” which is funded by CORE Group Inc for a year. The goal of the project CDHP is to ensure accessible, quality, stigma free and comprehensive health care service including Sexual, Reproductive Maternal, Neonatal, and Child Health (SRMNCH) to women living with disabilities from Karnali and Bagmati province. Under the project one of the major activities is to establish disability-friendly model health institution in three health institution of Surkhet and Mugu districts.

CDS PARK has effectively conducted accessibility audits in Birendranagar Municipality and Chhayanath Rara Municipality using a checklist provided by the National Federation of Disabled-Nepal (NFDN). These audits were conducted to assess the disability-friendliness of health institutions. Based on the results of these audits, CDS PARK is actively working to establish disability-friendly facilities in the selected institutions.

The development of disability-friendly model health institutions is guided by adherence to the physical accessibility checklist provided by NFDN and the Disability Inclusive Health Guidelines of 2019, which were prepared by the Ministry of Health and Population. These guidelines represent the most progressive government document to date in this regard, and our efforts align with these standards to ensure the highest level of accessibility and inclusivity in healthcare facilities.

  • Construction Plan:

In meeting the objective of the Construction mentioned in B, CDS-Park requests the eligible offers from qualified, experienced and competent Organizations for construction of following two projects. For the remaining part of this ToR, the offerers will be mentioned as ‘Contractors’ or ‘offerers’.

Both the projects are mutually inclusive, the Contractor have to accept both the offers simultaneously. The projects are mentioned in C.1., C.2. & C.3 below along with general criteria mentioned in C.4.

C.1. Development & Maintenance of District Hospital located in Gamgadhi, Mugu for disability friendly access:

The project area is located in Gamgadhi, Shreenagar located at the coordinates 29.551927860218843, 82.1572758288669. The hospital currently has infrastructures but the they are not disability friendly and has reduced the access of differently abled people to the hospital. The location where the construction is to be done are as follows:

The project focuses on development and maintenance of disability-friendly access to the District Hospital. The detailed work to be conducted includes the works to the developed and constructed in following measures:

1One Side Railing on Emergency Ward ramp1rm13
2Dismantling of tiles in front of emergency ward toilet room1m210.15
3Placing of Hand 1 m railing on both side the toilet2rm1
4Hand Railing
5Left Side of the ramp to reach the first floor of Hospital1rm55
6Inside the Hospital as specified by engineer1rm102
7Plaster work infront of the door1m210.15

Construction Deadline: The construction should be completed within later of 35 days after awarding of Contract or December 1, 2023).

C.2. Development & Maintenance of Dhungedhara Health Posts in Gamgadhi, Mugu for disability friendly access.

The project area is located in Gamgadhi. The health post does not have disability friendly access and has reduced the access of differently abled people to the health post. The health post where the construction is to be done is as follows:

The project focuses on development and maintenance of disability-friendly access to the health post. The detailed work to be conducted includes the works to the developed and constructed in following measures:

1Stone masonry (1:4)on both side of the entrance of gate1m3150.30.41.8
2Back Filling1m3150.90.45.4
3PCC(1:2:4)over the Back filling1m31420.12.8
4Earth Work Excavation from entrance gate to OPD Building on BMS1m35720.445.6
5Stone soling Work1m35720.111.4
7Railing Works1
7.1One Side Railing on Right side of the path from entrance gate to OPD Building 3ft.Rm4242
7.2OPD Building Both Side2Rm1428
7.3Birth Centre1Rm88
8Dismantling of the Toilet door1No1
9.1Frame work1m340.10.10.04
9.2Panel Shutter1m2122
9.3Combord Pan Set1Set1
9.4Hand rail Set 1m2Set2
1010 Ft. Wide iron gate1set1
11Tactile work in Floors
11.1Area 1( Open Corridor OPD)1m21.31013
11.2Over the PCC Infront of the gate1m214228

Construction Deadline: The construction should be completed within later of 45 days after awarding of Contract or December 10, 2023.

C.3. Development & Maintenance of Birendranagar Municipal Hospital in Surkher, Birendranagar for disability friendly access.

The project area is located in Birendranagar Municipal Hospital located in Katkuwa, Birendranagar, Surkhet Ward 7, Karnali Province located in Latitude: 28°36’2.71″N / Longitude: 81°37’2.81″E.

Fig: Location Plan Of Birendranagar Municipal Hospital, 07, Birendranagar, Surkhet

The hospital does not have disability friendly access and has reduced the access of differently abled people for health access & toilet access. The hospital where the construction is to be done is as follows

The project focuses on development and maintenance of disability-friendly access to the health post. The detailed work to be conducted includes the works to the developed and constructed in following measures:

S.N.Description of workNosLengthBreathHeightQuantityUnit
1Site clearance, works leveling of undulated ground, shorting and stacking/storing selected top soil for reuse in landscaping works      
 Tack Tile path1900.4 36.000 
  For Waiting area parking area and around path way1204 80.000 
2Excavation in foundations in all type of soils for foundation, trenches, footing, pits etc. to the required depth including dewatering by manual or mechanical means etc. as per specifications with all contractor’s own machinery and equipment’s, providing crossing of track, shoring, strutting, timbering and buttressing with appropriate materials and all such measures necessary to retain in position the sides of the foundation pit and including refilling the excavated material with watering, ramming, leveling the site and disposing off the surplus/unusable earth to outside the construction premises, etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and instructions of the Engineer.          
 For Waiting Space (pratikshalaya)14.503.000.405.400 
 For Iron Pole in pratikshalaya60.400.400.500.480 
 parking lott pole for top roof40.400.500.500.400 
 for tack tile190.000.300.256.750 
3Earth filling With Complete  compaction 30 % of excavation    3.909cum
4Stone soling work With Sand      
 For Waiting Space (pratikshalaya)14.530.22.700 
 parking lott pole for top roof40. 
5PCC work (1:2:4)      
 For Waiting Space (pratikshalaya)14.52.850.22.565 
 For Iron Pole in pratikshalaya60. 
 parking lott pole for top roof40. 
6Tactile work in Floors with filling of sand at base and removing grass and making fitting all complete work      
 around path190.000.30 27.000 
7Stone masonry (1:6) C/S ratio      
 a)Sub structure      
 For Waiting Space (pratikshalaya)110.600.350.301.113 
 around path way from entrance to building 11.500.350.400.210 
8Iron tubular Truss  including manufacturing, welding, supply of material, painting and fixing  all complete      
 Particulars  wt/m   
 Pole 50 mm dia circular pipe for waiting area and parking area103.55.1 178.500 
 Base plate 1″ thickness200.150.15 0.450 
 Principal truss 50 mm dia for waiting space3.0014.005.10 214.200 
 Principal truss 50 mm dia for parking area   One sided shade for three-wheeler2.0010.005.10 102.000 
 Rafter 40 mm dia10.0013.203.61 476.520 
 purlin5.006.003.61 108.300 
  pipe 40 mm dia12.005.003.61 216.600 
 base partition for parking area 40 mm pipe2.004.003.61 28.880 
93 mm thick UPC roofing works      
 At waiting areaSqm4.54 18.000 
 At parking areasqm1.42 2.800 
10Ridge cover UPVC PMMA(3MMTHICK) Regular/Tile with all necessary hardwareRm4.5  4.500rm
11Iron chair for waiting area  with 45 to 55 cm height with fixing at base of floor15.00    
 Complete set10   10.000set
12plastering work at floor 20mm thick      
  around waiting area14.503.00 13.500 
11Stainless Steel railing work 3 feet height15.00  5.00m
 around ramp110.50  10.50m
 around toilet way25.00  10.00 
12Complete Setup for digital audio Device1   1.00 
13Maintenance in washroom wiring and fittings of basin taps all    1.00job

Construction Deadline: The construction should be completed within later of 45 days after awarding of Contract or December 15, 2023.

C.4. Development & Maintenance of Toilet in Dharapani Basic Health Service Center, Birendranagar for disability friendly access.

The project area is located in Dharapani Basic Health Center located in Birendaranagar Municipality Ward 01, Dharapani, Karnali Province.

The construction will be targeted to make it with a disability friendly access with following BOQ:

1.1Earthwork in excavation and disposal within site premises(1m3)m3        2.74
1.2Earthwork in filling in floor in perfect line and level with materials from associated excavation including machine compaction in 150mm layers with sprinkling water required to obtain 90% density as per drawing, specification and approval of engineerm3        0.82
2Stone Soling with sand  
2.1Stone soling in foundation and floors with first class made bricks in true line and level including watering and ramming all complete as per drawing and specificationm3        1.55
3PCC Work  
3.1Supplying, mixing, placing, compacting & curing different mixes of plain cement concrete for foundation bases & floors excluding the cost of formwork & reinforcement bars, as per drawing, specification & instruction all complete as per drawing, specification and approval of engineer (M15-1:2:4)m3        1.12
4.1Providing & laying First class chimney made brick masonry work in foundation and superstructure with 1:6 cement sand mortar (1 cement: 6 sand) including lead upto 30 m curing, cleaning & racking  out  mortar joint and making ducts, recesses where  required as per drawing, specifcation and instruction all completem3        5.90
5Aluminuim Partition  
5.1Aluminuim fixed windows/partition with of 5mm thick glass fixed ventilation and 9mm thick laminated board in naturally anodized colour with materials of Agrani Aluminium Nepal or equivalent in the section of 101*45*1.5mm all completem2        2.88
6.1Supplying,laying and fixing of good quality marble in cement sand mortar(1:2) ratio with approved colour on the perpendicular to wall as per instructions all completem2        5.04
7.1 Supplying mixing, placing, compacting reinforced cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement:1.5 Sand:3 Aggregate 20 mm and down well graded) excluding the cost of reinforcement bars & formwork as per drawing, specification and instruction all completem3        1.97
7.2TMT/TOR steel reinforcement bar tested including straightening, cleaning, cutting, bending and fixing in position with 20 B.G annealed binding wire as per drawing and instruction complete workkg     278.87
8.1Providing, placing, fixing centering and shuttering of  plywood or steel form work for slabs, walls, columns,  lintel and beams (with necessary provision of extension of reinforcement of wall ties) and other RCC works including nails, propping supports and bracings of steel pipes including lead & lift at any height & removal and disposal of the same all complete as per specification &  approval of engineer.m2       17.41
9.1Providing & fixing in position well-seasoned & dressed Sal Timber for Doors, Windows & Ventilators chowkhat frame fixed with 6 nos. 300 x 20 x 6mm long MS Holdfast fixed with screw excluding the cost of 1:2:4 (300 x 100 x 100mm) concrete block all complete as per drawing, specification and instruction of Engineer.m3        0.07
9.2Providing & fixing in position well-seasoned & dressed Sal Timber fully paneled door/Window shutters with 125 x 38mm section frame including the cost of heavy quality 4 nos. 100mm long M.S. bult to each shutter Hinges, 300mm & 150mm long tower bolts, 2 nos. 150mm handle aluminitive mat fishing door  stoppers, door spring, screw etc. with 300mm heavy quality brass  aldrops all complete as per drawing, specification and instruction    m2        5.40
10Aluminum Door/Window  
10.1Providing and fixing single panel swing door of Aluminum Section in naturally anodized of black anodized color Section size (102*45*1.5 mm) fitted with 5 mm clear glass or 9 mm both side laminated board. (excluding cost of handlem2        0.18
11Cement Punning  
11.1Providing, mixing, laying neat cement punning on floors and wall in true line & level including curing as per drawing, specification & instruction.m2        5.75
12Plaster Work  
12.1 Providing and laying 12.5mm thick cement plaster over concrete surface with 1:4 cement sand mortar in perfect line & level including scaffolding, curing etc. all complete as per drawing, specification & instructionm2       53.34
13Paint Work  
13.1Applying distemper paint on inner wall to give an even and uniform shadem2       22.36
13.2Applying weather coat paint on outer wall to give an even and uniform shadem2       25.23
14Enamel Paint  
14.1Providing and applying two coats of Synthetic Enamel Paint over timber/iron surface including one coat of primer to give an even and uniform shade as per drawing, specification and instructionsm3        0.54
15Stainless Steel works 4 to 5 feet height  
15.1around panRm        5.10
16Toilet Commode and all fitting worksset        1.00
17Washbasin at a height of 3 feet inside toilet with all complete fittings worksset        1.00
18Hill take for water supplyltr    2,000.0
19Pipe Fitting and all other worksLs          1.0
20Wiring worksLS          1.0
19Ceiling Work  
19Supplying, fitting and fixing suspended plain ceiling of water resistance gypsum board with all necessary hanger,angles,hooks nut bolt all completem2            –  
20Toilet Construction and other sanitary ware works  
21site clearance works leveling of undulated ground, shorting and stacking/storing selected top soil for reuse in landscaping works  
 Tactile pathm228
 for ramp at front face of buildingm28.4
22Excavation in foundations in all type of soils for foundation, trenches, footing, pits etc. to the required depth including dewatering by manual or mechanical means etc. as per specifications with all contractor’s own machinery and equipment’s, providing crossing of track, shoring, strutting, timbering and buttressing with appropriate materials and all such measures necessary to retain in position the sides of the foundation pit and including refilling the excavated material with watering, ramming, leveling the site and disposing off the surplus/unusable earth to outside the construction premises, etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and instructions of the Engineer.  
 for tactile m25.25
 for ramp at front face of buildingm22.52
23Stone soling with sand  
 for ramp at front face of buildingm21.26
24pcc works 1:2:4 ratio  
 for ramp at front face of building at top of ramp and base of rampm21.68
25Stone masonry work 1:4 cement: sand ratio  
 for ramp at front face of building m21.89
26Plastering and finishing work  
 for ramp at two sides of the buildingm20.45
27Tactile work in Floors with filling of sand at base and removing grass and making fitting all complete work  
 around pathm225.9
28Maintenance and all works  

Construction Deadline: The construction should be completed within later of 45 days after awarding of Contract or December 15, 2023.

C.5. General conditions & commitments for selection

In order to facilitate the construction in point C.1., C.2., C.3 & C.4. above, we expect the following additional document/commitment from the contractor:

  1. Bank Guarantee: The Contractor should submit the bank guarantee at higher of 30% of quoted amount or NRs. 1 million (ten lakhs only) for the entire construction. The guarantee should be submitted from ‘A’ Class or ‘B’ Class Banks situated in Nepal.
  2. Defect Liability Period: The period of 1 month after the completion of construction will be considered as the Defect Liability Period. If any damage is noted during this period due to use of defective materials or low standard materials, the cost of maintenance will be liability of the Contractor. CDS-PARK can claim the Bank Guarantee from bank or deduct the retention money in such case.
  3. Quality Standards: The quality of construction should be of generally good standard. The Contractor should adhere to the Guideline on Accessible System for Persons with Disabilities, 2021 issued by Federal Government of Nepal during construction. The management will themselves or by an external examiner will check the construction and if it is not found to be of satisfactory quality, CDS-PARK can claim the Performance Bond from the Bank, seize the retention money or claim the additional amount from the Contractor.
  4. Administration Costs: The Contractor should quote the amount that will cover necessary insurance of the equipment, materials or labor, administration costs and travelling costs. In case of any hazard, Contractor should be bear the liability for the same.
  5. Sub-Contracting: The Contractor should not sub-contract the assignment to any other sub-contractor. If any work is to be done by the third party, it is requested to bid the offer from the joint venture of the Companies.
  6. Timely Construction: The Contractor should complete the entire work within stipulated time. If any extension to the timing is required, same should be consulted with the management beforehand. If management rejects such approval & the construction is yet not complete, the bank guarantee provided will be claimed.
  7. Other Conditions:
  8. The selected contractor will be appointed to construct C.1. & C.2. sites jointly and C.3 & C.4. sites jointly. The contractors are expected to quote for both the contracts C.1. & C.2 jointly and contracts C.3. & C.4 jointly.
  9. The Contractor should assign all the equipment, labor and materials at their own cost.
  10. The Contractor should not appoint a minor below the age of 18 in the work and should adhere to general labor guidelines & legislation.
  11. The Contractor should work on Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness during the construction and should not expend recklessly if not needed.
  1. Budget for Construction:

CDS-PARK expects offers to quote on the following amounts during construction: 

  • Construction (both the sites to be mentioned separately)
  • Administration costs for travelling and accommodation,
  • 50% of Contractor’s All Risk insurance premium

The Contractor will be paid in following deadlines for the budgeted amount:

S. No.CategoryTime of PaymentPayment %
1Mobilization AdvanceTo be paid within 3 working days after receiving detailed working plan after appointment of Contractor.20% of the contract amount.
2Construction paymentTo be paid within 7 working days after submission of Running Bill (IPC)Invoice Amount after deducting 20% advance, 5% retention amount and 1.5% TDS amount will be paid.   10% of total work be held on Final IPC payment
3Final PaymentTo be paid within 7 working days after completion of Defect Liability Period10% of Construction amount and 5% of retention money to be paid.
  • Application criteria

We expect submission of offers from contractors following all of the following criteria:

  1. The institutions registered as a Company or JV in Nepal can apply for the offer. All the directors of the offering Company or JV will be jointly responsible for the assigned work.
  2. The Contractor should have enough resources including financial resources, labors, expertise to conduct the work of both the contracts mentioned in clause C.1., C.2., C.3., C.4. & C.5.
  3. The management seeks to appoint the contractor of class A, B or C. The prior experience in construction of disability friendly structures will be proven as an advantage.
  4. High moral standard and not blacklisted from any financial or non-financial institutions or Government Agencies.
  5. Contractor should not be appointed for similar other projects in the area during the construction period.
  6. Working knowledge of the geographic location where the work is to be carried out.
  7. The contractor should be registered for Value Added Tax (VAT).
  8. Contractor should demonstrate willingness to work and complete the work within time with sufficient quality.
  9. The Contractor should follow following ethical principles during construction:
  10. Safety First: The safety of workers, clients, and the public should always be the top priority. Implement and enforce strict safety protocols and provide necessary training to prevent accidents and injuries on the construction site.
  11. Quality Assurance: Delivering high-quality work is essential. Follow industry standards and best practices to ensure that all construction work meets or exceeds quality expectations.
  12. Clear Communication: Effective communication is critical for project success. Maintain open and transparent communication with clients, suppliers, and your own team to avoid misunderstandings and address issues promptly.
  13. Project Planning: Careful planning is the foundation of a successful construction project. Develop a comprehensive project plan that includes timelines, budgets, resource allocation, and risk management strategies.
  14. Budget Management: Stick to the project budget and manage costs effectively. Keep accurate financial records, track expenses, and regularly update clients on budget status.
  15. Zero Tolerance: CDS-PARK has zero tolerance for harassment, sexual misconduct, violence, corruption, frauds which the Contractor should follow at all costs.
  16. Timeline Management: Meet project deadlines and milestones by closely monitoring progress and adjusting schedules as needed. Delays can be costly and frustrating for clients.
  17. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that all construction activities comply with local, state, and federal regulations, including building codes, environmental regulations, and safety standards.
  18. Sustainability: Consider environmentally friendly and sustainable construction practices, materials, and technologies when feasible. This can enhance your reputation and meet growing demand for green construction.
  • Selection criteria

The selection shall be based on the weightage of following criteria:

S. No.CriteriaWeightage
1Cost of the entire project (Cost Proposal)60%
2Experience of the contractor20%
3Demonstration of previous successful construction contracts15%
4Abundance of resources5%

However, the Contractors are free to submit their Technical & Cost proposal without any standard format. The selection process will be conducted in the office of CDS-PARK and a notice of the result will be published in the official website & social media site.

Selected candidate should submit their detailed plan for construction within 3 working days of selection.

Both the technical & cost proposal will be opened simultaneously.

It is to be noted that CDS-Park reserves the right to:

  • Accept none of the proposals
  • Accept any proposal that they seem to qualify the condition
  • Republish this Tender Request multiple times if they do not select any tender.
  • Submission of Offers:

The Contractors should submit ‘Technical Proposal’ & ‘Cost Proposal’ separately at the registered office of CDS-PARK at Gamgadhi, Mugu or contact office in Lalitpur. For further information regarding location, you can contact at 087-460009 or email at info@cdsparknepal.org.

Both the proposals should be in opaque envelope with seals attached to it. Envelopes without seals will not be accepted. Please do not send the offer in email.

The envelope should be addressed to following address:

  • Center for Karnali Rural Promote and Society Development,

Gamgadhi Mugu

‘For Development & Maintenance of Mugu District Hospital and Dhungedhara Health Post’ – (Technical/Financial) Proposal

Along with the proposals, following documents should be submitted by the Contractor:

  1. A letter mentioning the submission of proposal and contact person from the Organization
  2. Registration documents (Company/Tax/Ward/other institutions)
  3. Latest tax clearance letter of Company or joint ventures for last two years
  4. Company update letter, in case of Company (Company update letter of ventures in case of JV)
  5. Experience letters from previous works,
  6. Tentative plan for construction
  7. Profile of the Contractor
  8. A bank voucher showing deposit of non-refundable amount of NRs. 2,000 deposited in following bank account of CDS-PARK:

Name of the Bank: Rastriya Banijya Bank Ltd
Account No: 4060100101396001

Account holder’s Name: Centre for Karnali Promote and Society Development

Any question or query from the contractor will be addressed till October 17, 2023 (i.e. Ashwin 30, 2023) in above mentioned email address. Deadline for submission of offer will be till October 30, 2023 (i.e. Kartik 13, 2080)

Selection process will be concluded within November 2, 2023.

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